Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Happy Holidays!!!!!!!!! The snow came yesterday. It has made some treacherous roads but it was so beautiful. It made it seem like Christmas. I have been knitting, knitting, knitting, knitting, and knitting some more. Almost everyone is getting handmade gifts by me others are receiving gifts made by others, but I am taking my handmade pledge seriously. I did even before the pledge. I urge everyone I know to do the same. Support your local artists. I tell ya I live in the middle of no where and there are plenty of options, even here. My nieces' are keeping my life exciting. I have one having a baby, Then I have another one having a baby, and now I have one moving to Norway so her Husband can receive his PHD. What a fantastic opportunity and honor that is. But all I can really think about is Norwegian knitting.

Call me crazy (most already do) I read all these blogs and they are about family, family life, mine is knitting and the psy-cosies that I suffer. I love my boy's, they are everything to me, but hey, so is my knitting. The giver of all escapes from reality. The mother of all imagination, freedom and if no one See's it it can still be the master piece that it never was. All mine, all consuming, totally gratifying, and what more could you ask for. I dreamt about Angelina fiber last night. Everyones' hair became glitzy, the very air sparkled. It was magical. Now I think I am certifiably in-sane. Who needs drugs when you can have fiber. Sometimes all I want is to look at it. Dream of the roving it could be, the yarn, the nothing. I just could lay it all out and roll in it. . The thought of it is sometimes better than doing anything with it. Thank God no one reads this. I would be so embarrassed.