Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I need a vacation!

Teenagers, uuuggg!!! My rant for the moment. God love em!

Haven't been too creative lately, at least not with the wool stuff, and to make things worse I must have pissed the wool gods off with my lack of creativity because today...this is hard...totally irresponsible... it's hard to believe this happened...I stepped on my Drop spindle. The cat jumped on the couch, bounced my can full of needles and spindles and all, and this being a BIG one, bounced out and I remember thinking, I do that occasionally, I better not forget to pick that up. Well I forgot and as I was in a hurry looking for something heard this awful snap/crack and my heart sank. I can hardly bare this. I keep looking at it hoping it isn't true. I have others, but this one was special, a gift, a fat yarn maker. Oh man...this has been a hard day.

Dyed some yarn, came out bubblegum pink. Like I was going for that. Found out I could over dye and tone it down a bit. But as we speak I am working on using one skein to make a shibori felted scarf just for s@!#s and giggles. I have a plan we'll see if it works out better than the last pink one I had. All for fun.

I need a vacation.