Saturday, February 19, 2011


I broke a dpn today. Damn. I thought I had another set of #2's but if I do, I don't know where they are so am forced to finish thumb on mitten with a size #1. I could try 3 needles, but you know how it is when you have a rhythm going, the littlest detail can blow it all and I have have been working on this mitten long enough. I want to finish and have it the mail Monday. No excuses, oh wait..@#!*, Mondays a holiday, so Tuesday. Ya'll bored yet.

Have finally gotten my scarf exchange partner finalized and the scarf knitting can begin. I look forward to finding the just right pattern and fiber and knitting something special for a total stranger. How cool an idea is that? I hope my receiver enjoys her scarf. I am so excited to get mine, and will treasure it no matter what. How special, mine is coming from Australia and my partner has been knitting for over 40 years. How awesome. She wrote to tell me that she has dyed the wool herself and begun knitting. So exciting, a gift in the dreariest part of winter.

Geesh, did I tell ya I was excited enough times. I'm a cornball for sure.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

New Year, Best of Intentions

I have decided that this is a year of snail mail. I am so tired of nothing but bills and ads in my PO box and decided that I wanted to make sure that people I love get a sweet little note or art or treat in the mail on a regular basis. I am committing myself to this and know that I will let only myself down if I fail to do this. But for a yarn addict...

I also have set a goal for myself to read 24 books this year. That's not outrages. 2 books a month, doable, but for a yarn addict.....

I also have scored my self a Native American flute and lessons. I have a friend that makes the most beautiful flutes out of reclaimed wood. He is also an accomplished musician. So this year I am going to learn something new. I know how to play a traditional flute and a piccolo, but this will be different for sure. So I'll be practicing a new art, but for a yarn addict....

Well I have been a busy knitter, I am a tad obsessed you might say. It's become an old overgrowth forest of wool in my house, skeins and roving hiding in every nook and cranny, peeking out, just pooling up my imagination. A puddle of possibilities sparkling in the sun. I have a problem with organizing it. I did buy clear storage bins, I sorted and stored by type of yarns, subdivided by color, 2 bins just for roving, some for projects in the works..etc, etc..then I want to try this yarn for this project and that yarn for another, or do these colors go together?, how much do I have in this weight?, and well..before you know it, it's all over the place in different stages of processing. Sooo.. I need a more tactile approach to my stash. If I could just have direct access to touching it and moving it around. I need a little hut of my very own. With walls that are nothing but cubicles, cascading and dripping with colors, textures, dreams and possibilities. Project tables, a sink of course, a small stove for the dye pot, oh and a washing machine, hooks and drying lines, and plenty of room for the Wheel and oh I almost forgot..the Navajo loom my husband built me that I am dying to figure out. Am I alone out here? Who else dreams of a wool room? If you have one, how'd ya do it? If I could get rid of my furniture, I could maybe just convert the living room to my wool room, that should work....who needs a freakin couch? Well wait a minute, I could knit one, or knit a whole new cover for this one, or hell get rid of it and knit up some Hammocks, yeah that'd be cool ...

So for a yarn addict......wish me luck!!!!