Thursday, May 29, 2008

Oh what a week this has been. I am so ready to be done with this job and have the energy to really knit again. I have so many half finished or even just started projects that NEED me to finish them. The collective energy in my little village is very intense right now. Not all bad but a little overwhelming. This really is the best place for me to live. I just want to be at home and melt into the mountains around me. I am seeing knitting patterns in nature and want so badly to find the expression. How far can knitting go? Stay tuned!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Wish me Luck!!!

So I have had a weekend. Have been knitting the tam. It actually has hooked me and I can't wait to see it done. Hats are my favorite and by the way the colors are coming together I already have an idea of who would love this hat for christmas. Thinking ahead. If I stay on task I will have some nice gifts for people this year. I always wait till it's almost here and can never pull off all my ideas. This is the year to do it. I quit one of mty jobs Yeah!!!! I am so relieved. I gave till June 30th. That seems ample time to find someone to replace me. Not that it's a specialized job just finding another warm body to step in is the hard part. Not much of an employee pool out here. This ,hopefully, will work out so that I have more time to spend with the boy's and more time to devote to m,y art. Whatever that is at the moment. I am feeling the need to get a canvas together. I have that wave swelling inside and have not felt it for years. I mean YEARS. So I want to be prepared for when it hits the shore. It feels like a biggy. Well am going to go soak in tub and mentally prepare myself to get to work. I'll find out how well my notice went over. I was kinda chicken shit about it and put it in a card and shoved it into the owners reciept bag. ish me luck!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

So another rainy day in Paradise. I suppose this would make it a good day for knitting and spinning. I do have high hopes of working on the felt bag but for some reason am totally discouraged by the looks of it right now. The color I like the best has run out. Actually ran out fast it was the hand spun in a beautiful muted, smokey type blue. The rest so far is yellow but will have to swwitch to another color soon. I guess you could say I "mis-calculated" what I would need. I just eyeball stuff. Especially bags that I am making up and hope they organically come together in a cool way. More then anything I hate thinking things out in knitting. It is my release from the rest of the world and the way that works. I am so detail oriented that I can almost go backwards. For some reason the bags move away from that and float on some ethereal plane. A plane wear no rules apply. One where only needles and wool and hope exist. Don't get me wrong. I do enjoy detailed patterns and cables knitting but my bags are different. They are these vessels and before someone uses them they are only pure possibility. It is not the walls that make a room but the space in between. Just like the body it is the movement of space in between even the smallest cells that create the shape. Pure potentiallity. Thats how I feel about the bags. I might change my mind about this when they put me in the padded room for these wierd analogys I have. Well time to clean up and take the boy's to "town". They are bored and I can knit anywhere.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I can't believe I am doing this

This is the beginning of what I don't know. Project of the moment is a felt purse. Using 13 mile organic wool. Some hand-spun, some mill spun. Mixing that with some wonderful baby mohair I bought at the LYS in Bozeman. This, I am hoping, will have a more tailored shape than previous bags. I started with a bag of love for a gift.That inspired me to make more, never knowing for sure how the end will turn out. Hopefully I've noticed enough variables to have a little more predictability with this one. I'm also venturing out into the world of massage therapy again. I took the last four years off, and am wondering if I should go for it. Which, I tell you is a bigger bite than then I have ever done. I also want to get this idea of fiber arts off into the world too. Found a local graphic artist( which in my community with no population count is a freakin' miracle) to help me design some cards and brochures. Oh boy here we go. One hour to my appointment and I am totally unprepared. I guess I work best under pressure.