Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I can't believe I am doing this

This is the beginning of what I don't know. Project of the moment is a felt purse. Using 13 mile organic wool. Some hand-spun, some mill spun. Mixing that with some wonderful baby mohair I bought at the LYS in Bozeman. This, I am hoping, will have a more tailored shape than previous bags. I started with a bag of love for a gift.That inspired me to make more, never knowing for sure how the end will turn out. Hopefully I've noticed enough variables to have a little more predictability with this one. I'm also venturing out into the world of massage therapy again. I took the last four years off, and am wondering if I should go for it. Which, I tell you is a bigger bite than then I have ever done. I also want to get this idea of fiber arts off into the world too. Found a local graphic artist( which in my community with no population count is a freakin' miracle) to help me design some cards and brochures. Oh boy here we go. One hour to my appointment and I am totally unprepared. I guess I work best under pressure.