Saturday, May 24, 2008

So another rainy day in Paradise. I suppose this would make it a good day for knitting and spinning. I do have high hopes of working on the felt bag but for some reason am totally discouraged by the looks of it right now. The color I like the best has run out. Actually ran out fast it was the hand spun in a beautiful muted, smokey type blue. The rest so far is yellow but will have to swwitch to another color soon. I guess you could say I "mis-calculated" what I would need. I just eyeball stuff. Especially bags that I am making up and hope they organically come together in a cool way. More then anything I hate thinking things out in knitting. It is my release from the rest of the world and the way that works. I am so detail oriented that I can almost go backwards. For some reason the bags move away from that and float on some ethereal plane. A plane wear no rules apply. One where only needles and wool and hope exist. Don't get me wrong. I do enjoy detailed patterns and cables knitting but my bags are different. They are these vessels and before someone uses them they are only pure possibility. It is not the walls that make a room but the space in between. Just like the body it is the movement of space in between even the smallest cells that create the shape. Pure potentiallity. Thats how I feel about the bags. I might change my mind about this when they put me in the padded room for these wierd analogys I have. Well time to clean up and take the boy's to "town". They are bored and I can knit anywhere.

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